An Elderly Charity Supporting Communities in London
An Elderly charity supporting older people and their families in their communities.
See what our team has done in the London area and beyond, or get in touch to volunteer, donate, or to seek support.
Supporting the Elderly and Disabled in Our Community
The volunteers at The Elderly & Disabled Charitable Trust UK offer a personal and friendly service to older people, disabled individuals, and the vulnerable. Your donations and volunteering time help brighten their days. Discover how we assist people in the area and get in touch to learn more.
There Are Many Ways You Can Donate!
By giving any unwanted clothing, old pots and pans, any garden pots for planting and 1 to 2 hours of your time volunteering. Thank you!!
For more information about our organisational support connecting people, please contact me on 07984357516.
We Recycle
What is Metal Recycling?
It’s the process of taking waste metal, processing it and creating new metal material. This recycled metal can be used to make metal products which can then be recycled again once used or not needed.
Which Metals Can Be Recycled?
The two main types of metals are ferrous (containing a notable amounts of iron) and non ferrous both of which can be recycled. It is more important than ever to recycle waste materials where possible, aside from general benefits of recycling, such as reducing landfill.
Reduce Energy Use
The creation of Virgin metal materials uses far more energy than recycled metal. The process of repurposing waste metal is far more waste efficient, for example: recycled aluminium requires 95% less energy. Copper is another energy-efficient waste metal, with recycled copper requiring 90% less energy.
Our befriending service aims to reduce loneliness and isolation among the elderly by providing them with companionship and support.
Through regular visits and conversations, our volunteers help our elders stay connected with the world and maintain a sense of purpose and trust.
Our service has been proven to improve mental and emotional well-being among the elderly that we visit.
Our eco gardening project promotes sustainable living and healthy lifestyles among seniors, by engaging in gardening activities, elders have proven that their physical fitness, mental health, and overall well-being has improved.
Our project also helps reduce waste and encourages environmentally friendly practices, contributing to a greener and more sustainable community.
Food Pantry
Our food pantry provides essential food items to elders on a low income and families living with elderly members.
This initiative helps us ensure that everyone has access to adequate nutrition, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and other health issues.
Our food pantry also serves as a valuable resource for those in need during these challenging times.
We currently serve the NW10 area of london, TW7, HAO, TW13.
Recognizing the importance of pets in the lives of older people and their families, we have recently introduced a pet food bank to support the well-being of pets, which will begin in the coming New year. This initiative ensures that elderly individuals and their families can continue to provide for their beloved pets, without the worry, fostering stronger bonds and promoting the health and happiness of both humans and animals.
1. Purpose
This document describes The elderly and disabled charitable trust uk, policies and procedures for conducting their operations and activities in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner.
2. Background
In 2020, The Elderly and Disabled Charitable Trust UK officially declare, a commitment to the protection of the environment and responsible use of natural resources. As the Trustees of The elderly and disabled charitable trust UK acknowledge living systems and the application of the knowledge to extend healthy life and reduce illness and disability. As proactive keepers of the Charity, the E and DCTUK) community embraces pollution prevention and sustainable development while continually seeking to reduce resource consumption.
The Elderly and Disabled Charitable Trust UK environmental policy establishes the following important commitments:
- Compliance with all council, and local environmental laws and regulations, as well as Executive Orders.
- Prevention of pollution by minimizing the generation of wastes where possible, reducing consumption, recycling materials, and disposing of wastes in an environmentally responsible manner.
- Integration of environmental and health considerations into decision-making processes.
- Reduce the environmental impact of Trustees commuting to and from office and The E and DCTUK transportation of Volunteers between facilities.
All The elderly and disabled charitable trustUK volunteers are responsible for being aware of the environmental and health impacts of their roles and for continually striving to minimize these impacts as set forth in this policy.
1. Policy
The elderly and Disabled Charitable TrustUK is committed to protecting public health by conducting our operations and activities in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner. We are committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations. We recognize that reducing and, where possible, eliminating the environmental impacts of our activities is an important part of our mission as stewards of public health. We strive to be a leader in achieving environmental excellence, and will work with our volunteers and other internal and external entities to establish and follow principles, in conjunction with the Environmental Policy of, the council that will guide elderly disabled charitable trust/UK environmental practices.
The Elderly and disabled charitable trust UK guiding principles and practices to achieve resource conservation, waste reduction, and sustainability overall is set out below:
- Comply with mandatory requirements and conduct our activities and operate our facilities within applicable environmental laws and regulations
- Conserve energy and other natural resources
- Encourage volunteers to use mass transit
- Reduce, reuse, and recycle to reduce waste
- Minimize the production of hazardous waste
- Adopt green procurement practices
- Ensure all volunteers complete the environmental awareness training
- Continue to review and minimize the impacts of our activities
1. Responsibilities
1. Energy
Trustees Shall:
1. Turn off lights when not in use and use natural light when possible.
2. Turn off, not just log off, all computers, terminals, speakers and other office equipment at the end of every work day
3. Turn off your power strip at the end of every work day
4. Activate the power down features on your computer and monitor to enter into a low power or sleep mode when not in use.
5. Unplug equipment that drains energy even when not in use (e.g., cell phone chargers, fans, coffee makers, desktop printers, radios).
6. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) in desk lamps as opposed to incandescent lights whenever possible.
7. Use the stairs when possible.
8. Utilize videoconferencing and conference calls as an alternative to travel when possible.
9. Limit the use of space heaters.
1. Reduction of material consumption
Trustees shall:
1. Avoid using paper by distributing and storing documents electronically.
2. Print and photocopy only, and use double sides if possible.
3. Tell staff and colleagues that you prefer double-sided documents.
4. Use the other side of old documents for faxes, scrap paper, or drafts.
1. Reduce Fossil Fuel Consumption and Air Pollution
Trustees shall:
1. Ride mass transit or other alternative forms of transportation, whenever possible.
2. Use carpools or vanpools, when possible, over single use cars.
3. Telework one day a week, if possible.
1. Minimize Waste and Increase Recycle
1. Use durable reusable beverage containers, plates, and utensils.
2. Reduce the amount of toner in documents that prints when possible.
3. Print documents in black and white or grayscale whenever possible.
4. Recycle paper, paper products, plastic, binders, folders, catalogs, boxes, bottles, cans, batteries, electronics, toner and ink cartridges.
5. Recycle plastic and paper products in accordance with council regulations if located Brent Council facilities other than the parks. Plans for implementing recycling will be done by the Green Team.
6. Donate used furniture and electronics through our website.
1. Minimize Toxics and Hazardous Waste
1. Do not pour toxic or hazardous substances down the drain.
2. Reduce the use of toxic chemicals and use less toxic alternatives wherever possible.
3. Do not use or purchase mercury or mercury-containing equipment, unless approval has been permitted..
4. Design experiments, when possible, to use less toxic or hazardous substances.
5. Purchase chemicals in the smallest quantities needed to avoid over-ordering.
6. Dispose of hazardous chemicals appropriately and in accordance with the NIH Disposal Guide and other legal requirements.
1. Committment to Green
Trustees Shall:
1. Purchase copier and printer paper that contains at least 30% post-consumer recycled content.
2. Purchase office supplies and furniture that contain the highest percentage of recycled and non-toxic content whenever possible.
3. Purchase products that contain biobased content whenever possible.
4. Purchase Energy Star office equipment.
5. Use the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) to identify computers and monitors with environmental attributes and purchase computers and monitors with at least a Bronze rating.
6. Purchase quality furniture and electronics that are no longer wanted.
1. Increasing the awareness of the Charities Impact on the Environment and Public Health
The Elderly and Disabled Charitable TrustUK are committed in Promoting Sustainability.
Guiding Principles:
- To comply with, and exceed where practicable, all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practice.
- To integrate sustainability considerations into all our charities decisions.
- To ensure that all Trustees are fully aware of our Sustainability Policy and are committed to implementing and improving it.
- To minimize the impact on sustainability of all office and transportation activities.
- To make clients and suppliers aware of our Sustainability Policy, and encourage them to adopt sound sustainable management practices.
- To review, annually report, and to continually strive to improve our sustainability performance.
- Practical Steps In order to Put These Principles into Practice
- Travel and Meetings
- Walk, cycle and/or use public transport to attend meetings, site visits etc., apart from in exceptional circumstances where the alternatives are impractical and/or cost prohibitive.
- Include the full costs of more sustainable forms of transport in our financial proposals, rather than the least cost option, which may involve travelling by car or air.
- Avoid physically travelling to meetings etc where alternatives are available and practical, such as using teleconferencing, video conferencing or web cams, and efficient timing of meetings to avoid multiple trips. These options are also often more time efficient, while not sacrificing the benefits of regular contact with clients and partners.
- To reduce the need to travel to meetings and elsewhere, and facilitate regular client contact, we will provide free training webinars to clients to attend at any time.
- Reduce the need for our trustees to travel by supporting alternative working arrangements, including home working etc., and promote the use of public transport by locating our offices in accessible locations.
- Use an emissions recording scheme for the charity travel to monitor our impact.
- Purchase of Equipment and Consumption of Resources
- Minimize our use of paper and other office consumables, for example by double siding all paper used, and identifying opportunities to reduce waste.
As far as possible arrange for the reuse or recycling of office waste, including paper, computer supplies and redundant equipment. - Reduce the energy consumption of office equipment by purchasing energy efficient equipment and good housekeeping.
- Seek to purchase electricity from a supplier committed to renewable energy. Seek to maximize the proportion from renewable energy sources, whilst also supporting investment in new renewable energy schemes.
- Ensure that timber furniture and any other timber products are recycled.
- Purchase fair-trade and/or organic beverages.
Working practices and advice for clients.
- Undertake voluntary work with the local community and / or environmental organizations and make donations to seek to offset carbon emissions from our activities.
- Ensure that any associates that volunteer/ take account of sustainability issues in their advice to clients.
- Include a copy of our Sustainability Policy in all our proposals to clients.